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Liquidity Providing

Liquidity can be provided for WHALE Tokens

The WHALE tokens can be used for governance staking and voting. See STAKING section for details. Note that the liquidity providing rewards are only from transaction fees. There are no token reward incentives for providing WHALE-UST liquidity.

Tutorial assumes you have:
A Terra Wallet. If not, see the WebApp section.
WHALE tokens. If not, see the Swap section.

Providing WHALE-UST Liquidity

1. Connect Wallet

2. Navigate to the [SWAP] page

3. Select [POOL]

4. Enter equal amounts of WHALE and UST that you would like to provide as liquidity. Then select [PROVIDE]

5. Select [POST] to confirm the transaction

Withdrawing WHALE-UST Liquidity

1. Navigate to the [SWAP] page

2. Select [POOL]

3. Select [Withdraw]

4. Enter the amount of WHALE-UST LP tokens you would like to withdraw. Then select [Withdraw]

5. Select [POST] to confirm the transaction

6. Your WHALE and UST will show up in your wallet shortly!