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Terraswap Dapp



See Dapp BaseState


See Dapp BaseInstantiateMsg


pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    /// dApp base messages that handle updating the config and addressbook
    /// Constructs a provide liquidity msg and forwards it to the treasury
    /// Calculates the required asset amount for the second asset in the pool.
    ProvideLiquidity {
        pool_id: String,
        main_asset_id: String,
        amount: Uint128,
    /// Constructs a provide liquidity msg and forwards it to the treasury.
    DetailedProvideLiquidity {
        assets: Vec<(String, Uint128)>,
        pool_id: String,
        slippage_tolerance: Option<Decimal>,
    /// Constructs a withdraw liquidity msg and forwards it to the treasury
    WithdrawLiquidity {
        lp_token_id: String,
        amount: Uint128,
    /// Constructs a swap msg and forwards it to the treasury
    SwapAsset {
        offer_id: String,
        pool_id: String,
        amount: Uint128,
        max_spread: Option<Decimal>,
        belief_price: Option<Decimal>,


See handle_base_message in Dapp Base


An abstraction around liquidity provision for Terraswap. Rather than specifying the contract addresses and asset structures, the caller provides a referential ID for the relevant contract addresses which have been stored in the contracts associated Memory contract. After the message is composed it is sent to the treasury for execution. The contract fetches what other asset is paired with the main_asset in the provided pool and adds that to the pool at the current ratio of the pool.

Key Type Description
pool_id String The reference name for the stored pool contract. Every trading pair ends with "_pair"
main_asset_id String The reference name for the stored Asset to be used as the 'main' Asset
amount UInt128 The amount of the specified main asset to be added to the pool
    "provide_liquidity": {
        "pool_id": "whale_ust_pair",
        "main_asset_id": "ust",
        "amount": "10000"


Similar to ProvideLiquidity but with the ability to specify both asset amounts to be added and with what amount of slippage. Rather than specifying the contract addresses and asset structures, the caller provides a referential ID for the relevant contract addresses which have been stored in the contracts associated Memory contract. After the message is composed it is sent to the treasury for execution.

Key Type Description
pool_id String The reference name for the stored pool contract.
assets Vec[String] Vector containing 2 asset reference names.
slippage_tolerance Option[Decimal] The maximum amount of slippage considered acceptable.
    "detailed_provide_liquidity": {
        "pool_id": "whale_ust",
        "assets": ["stored_ust", "stored_krt"],
        "slippage_tolerance": null


Composes a message to withdraw liquidity by returning an amount of the LP token received on liquidity provision. The message is then sent to the treasury for execution.

Key Type Description
lp_token_id String The reference name for the stored liquidity token contract.
amount UInt128 The amount of lp tokens to be sent
    "withdraw_liquidity": {
        "lp_token_id": "whale_ust",
        "amount": "100000",


ExecuteMsg used to compose a swap message for Terraswap which is then send to the Treasury for execution.

Key Type Description
offer_id String The reference name for the offered Asset's info.
pool_id String The reference name for the stored pool contract.
amount UInt128 The offer asset amount
max_spread Option The maximum amount of spread considered acceptable.
belief_price Option The current user-provided price for the token. When provided, max_spread is used to determine whether the trade is acceptable.
    "swap_asset": {
        "offer_id": "my_offer",
        "pool_id": "whale_ust",
        "amount": "100000",
        "max_spread": null,
        "slippage_tolerance": null


pub enum QueryMsg {
    /// Handles all the base query msgs


See handle_base_query in Dapp Base