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Dapp Base



The BaseState contains the main configurations such as addresses needed for sending messages and querying addresses

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct BaseState {
    pub treasury_address: Addr,
    pub trader: Addr,
    pub memory: Memory,


Dapps which are built out from the dapp_base or dapp_template should make use of the provided handle_base_init helper to instantiate the BaseState. This ensures a common structure for the configuration addresses. You may also choose to save your own state or config values as needed by defining a second but dapp-specific State.

/// Handles creates the State and Memory object and returns them.
pub fn handle_base_init(deps: Deps, msg: BaseInstantiateMsg) -> StdResult<BaseState> {
    // Memory
    let memory = Memory {
        address: deps.api.addr_validate(&msg.memory_addr)?,
    // Base state
    let state = BaseState {
        treasury_address: deps.api.addr_validate(&msg.treasury_address)?,
        trader: deps.api.addr_validate(&msg.trader)?,



Dapps which are built out from the dapp_base or dapp_template should make use of the provided handle_base_message helper to handle some common config. This allows each implementation of a dapp to only have to focus on the unique use-cases that particular dapp needs to implement.

Example of 'base' messages handled are Admin changes and changes to the BaseState object.


pub fn handle_base_message(
    deps: DepsMut,
    info: MessageInfo,
    message: BaseExecuteMsg,
) -> BaseDAppResult {
    match message {
        BaseExecuteMsg::UpdateConfig {
        } => update_config(deps, info, treasury_address, trader, memory),
        BaseExecuteMsg::SetAdmin { admin } => set_admin(deps, info, admin),


Updates the configuration addresses used by the dapp.

Key Type Description
treasury_address* HumanAddr New address of the associated treasury contract
trader* HumanAddr New address of trader
memory* HumanAddr New address of the associated memory contract
    "update_config": {
        "treasury_address": "terra1...",
        "trader": "terra1...", 
        "memory": "terra1..."


Change the established Admin for the Dapp. Can only be called by the currently established Admin of the contract.

Key Type Description
admin* HumanAddr New address of the admin
    "set_admin": {
        "admin": "terra1..."


Dapps which are built out from the dapp_base or dapp_template should make use of the provided handle_base_query helper to handle some common config. This means each dapp only needs to implement dapp-specific queries relevant to the use case for a given dapp.

Example of 'base' messages handled are Admin changes and changes to the BaseState object.


pub fn handle_base_query(deps: Deps, query: BaseQueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    match query {
        BaseQueryMsg::Config {} => to_binary(&try_query_config(deps)?),


Returns the BaseState which contains the main configuration addresses used by the dapp.

    "config": {



The main configuration addresses used by the dapp.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct BaseStateResponse {
    pub treasury_address: String,
    pub trader: String,
    pub memory_address: String,
    "treasury_address": "terra1...",
    "trader": "terra1...",
    "memory_address": "terra1..."