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Vault Dapp


This dapps config is composed of two state objects. A BaseState which every dapp have and an optionally used State for any Dapp-specific config values


See Dapp Base


Name Type Description
liquidity_token Addr The contract address of the UST-Vault's LP token


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub base: BaseInstantiateMsg,
    pub token_code_id: u64,
    pub fee: Decimal,
    pub deposit_asset: String,
    pub vault_lp_token_name: Option<String>,
    pub vault_lp_token_symbol: Option<String>,


Available Execution operations on the Vault-Dapp:

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    // Add dapp-specific messages here
    ProvideLiquidity {
        asset: Asset,
    UpdatePool {
        deposit_asset: Option<String>,
        assets_to_add: Vec<String>,
        assets_to_remove: Vec<String>,
    SetFee {
        fee: Fee,


See handle_base_message in Dapp Base


Can be called during a CW20 token transfer when tokens are deposited into the Stablecoin Vault. Allows the token transfer to execute a Receive Hook as a subsequent action within the same transaction.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum Receive {
    Cw20ReceiveMsg {
        amount: Uint128,
        sender: HumanAddr,
        msg: Option<Binary>,
Key Type Description
amount Uint128 Amount of tokens received
sender HumanAddr Sender of token transfer
msg* Binary Base64-encoded JSON of Receive Hook

* = optional


An abstraction around liquidity provision allowing a vault to have liquidity provided to it either with a Native token or with a CW20.

Key Type Description
asset Asset Asset to be provided as liquidity. Includes asset info and amount.
    "provide_liquidity": {
        "asset": {
            "info": {
                "native_token": { "denom": "uusd" },
            "amount": "1000000",


Update the vault's associated pool information and asset information.

Key Type Description
deposit_asset* Option New deposit asset to be used for the pool.
assets_to_add* Vec Assets to be included as claimable
assets_to_remove* Vec Assets to be removed from being claimable

Note: The 'assets' defined in this call use reference names which are stored in the memory contract rather than full asset information or contract addresses. See the Memory Contract for more

    "update_pool": {
        "deposit_asset": "ust",
        "assets_to_add": ["ust", "krw", "anotherone"],
        "assets_to_remove": ["bluna"]


Update the configured fee information for the vault-dapp.

Key Type Description
fee* Fee New fee information to set.
    "set_fee": {
        "fee": {
            "share": 1.01

Receive Hooks

Payable functions when you send a payment to the contract with an appropriate message.


Attempt to withdraw deposits. Fees are calculated and deducted. LP tokens submitted with a withdrawal request are burned. The Treasury withdraw fee is paid out by transfering ownership of a fraction of the LP tokens to the treasury contract.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum Cw20HookMsg {
    WithdrawLiquidity {},


pub enum QueryMsg {
    // Add dapp-specific queries here
    State {},


See handle_base_query in Dapp Base


Returns the saved dapp-specific configuration values saved in State.

  "state": {}
Name Type Description


Saved dapp-specific configuration values.

  "liquidity_token": "terra1..."
Name Type Description
liquidity_token String The contract address of the Vault's LP token