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Stablecoin Vault

The Stablecoin Vault Contract is one of the flagship contracts of the White Whale protocol. Combined with a bot system, the Vault contract allows for in-house automated trading of UST in response to a de-pegging event or to just perform a simple arbitrage operation. The Stablecoin Vault also allows arbitrary users to request flashloans in return for a small fee.


Key Type Description
whitelisted_contracts Vec Addresses of whitelisted contracts
allow_non_whitelisted bool Boolean that indicates if non-whitelisted addresses are allowed to get a flashloan
anchor_money_market_address CanonicalAddr Contract address of Anchor Money Market system. This is used for depositing and withdrawing from Anchor
aust_address CanonicalAddr Contract address of aUST token
profit_check_address CanonicalAddr Contract address of Profit Check Contract.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub anchor_money_market_address: String,
    pub aust_address: String,
    pub profit_check_address: String,
    pub treasury_addr: String,
    pub asset_info: AssetInfo,
    pub token_code_id: u64,
    pub treasury_fee: Decimal,
    pub flash_loan_fee: Decimal,
    pub commission_fee: Decimal,
    pub stable_cap: Uint128,
    pub vault_lp_token_name: Option<String>,
    pub vault_lp_token_symbol: Option<String>,
Key Type Description
anchor_money_market_address String Contract address of Anchor Money Market system. This is used for depositing and withdrawing from Anchor
aust_address String Contract address of aUST token
profit_check_address String Contract address of Profit Check Contract
treasury_address String Contract address of Treasury Contract
asset_info AssetInfo Struct detailing the token to be used for trading (the vault base token)
token_code_id u64 The Stored Code Object ID for the LP token creator. This is used on instantiation to creation an LP token when the Vault is created
treasury_fee Decimal Configurable fee rate for the treasury contract.
commission_fee Decimal Fee on every profitable action on the vault, sent to the treasury.
stable_cap Uint128 Initial UST_CAP value which represents the amount of liquid UST kept outside of Anchor
vault_lp_token_name Uint128 Absolute max rate for community fund
vault_lp_token_symbol Uint128 Absolute max rate for community fund


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    ProvideLiquidity {
        asset: Asset,
    SetStableCap {
        stable_cap: Uint128,
    SetFee {
        flash_loan_fee: Option<Fee>,
        treasury_fee: Option<Fee>,
        commission_fee: Option<Fee>
    SetAdmin {
        admin: String,
    AddToWhitelist {
        contract_addr: String,
    RemoveFromWhitelist {
        contract_addr: String,
    UpdateState {
        anchor_money_market_address: Option<String>,
        aust_address: Option<String>,
        profit_check_address: Option<String>,
        allow_non_whitelisted: Option<bool>,
    FlashLoan {
        payload: FlashLoanPayload,


Can be called during a CW20 token transfer when tokens are deposited into the Stablecoin Vault. Allows the token transfer to execute a Receive Hook as a subsequent action within the same transaction.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Receive {
        amount: Uint128,
        sender: HumanAddr,
        msg: Option<Binary>,
Key Type Description
amount Uint128 Amount of tokens received
sender HumanAddr Sender of token transfer
msg* Binary Base64-encoded JSON of Receive Hook

* = optional


Attempt to get a flashloan from the vault. The requested funds and callback message are encapsuled in the FlashLoanPayload struct. The provided callback should be the series of messages the caller wants to perform with the requested amount of funds.

If needed, funds are withdrawn from anchor. All incurred fees are paid by the borrower. Two calls to the profit_check logic surround the flashloan callback msg to ensure the trade only finalizes if the contract makes a profit.

Key Type Description
requested_asset Asset Requested asset, contains amount an assetinfo
callback Binary The encoded callback msg provided by the calling contract
  "requested_asset": {
      "info": {
          "denom": "uusd"
      "amount": "1000000"
  "callback": "<binary>", 


Attempt to perform a deposit into the vault by providing UST. White Whale does not charge any additional fees on depositing. In the event of a successful deposit, the address will receive newly minted LP tokens representing their share of the Vault's liquidity. These LP tokens are then required when an account wishes to withdraw liquidity.

This function should be called alongside a deposit of UST into the contract.

Key Type Description
asset Asset Asset to be provided as liquidity. Includes asset info and amount.
    "provide_liquidity": {
        "asset": {
            "info": {
                "native_token": { "denom": "uusd" },
            "amount": "1000000",


Change the UST_CAP parameter for the Stablecoin Vault which represents the cap of liquid UST kept in the vault. Deposits in excess of the cap will be deposited into anchor. Can only be called by the established Admin of the contract.

Key Type Description
stable_cap Uint128 New UST_CAP value to be set


Change the established Admin for the Stablecoin Vault. Can only be called by the currently established Admin of the contract.

Key Type Description
admin Addr Address of the new Admin.


Adds the provided address to the whitelist. Can only be called by Admin.

Key Type Description
contract_addr Addr Address of the new whitelisted contract.


Removes the provided address from the whitelist. Can only be called by Admin.

Key Type Description
contract_addr Addr Address of the whitelisted contract.


Update the fee information for 1 or more of the associated fee structures. Can only be called by Admin.

Key Type Description
flash_loan_fee* Fee New fee value for fees associated with non-whitelisted flashloans
treasury_fee* Fee New fee values for fee allocation to the Treasury

* = optional


Update the state of the contract with the provided arguments.

Key Type Description
anchor_money_market_address* String New address for the anchor money market
aust_address* String New aUST address
profit_check_address* String New profit check contract address
allow_non_whitelisted* bool New boolean for allowing non-whitelisted contracts to take out flashloans

* = optional

Receive Hooks

Payable functions when you send a payment to the contract with an appropriate message.


Attempt to withdraw deposits. Fees are calculated and deducted. If the Vault has available funds in Anchor it will attempt to payout the withdrawal request by first withdrawing some funds from Anchor to fund the withdrawal request. Luna holdings are not eligible for withdrawal. LP tokens submitted with a withdrawal request will be burned. The Treasury withdraw fee is paid out by transfering ownership of a fraction of the LP tokens to the treasury contract.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum Cw20HookMsg {
    WithdrawLiquidity {},


Callback Functions are used in conjunction with other ExecuteMsg functions in the Stablecoin Vault.


After a successful loan happens, check if the contract currently holds more than the STABLE_CAP * 1.5. If it does, Leave STABLE_CAP in UST and deposit all other UST in Anchor.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum CallbackMsg {
    AfterSuccessfulLoanCallback {},


#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    match msg {
        QueryMsg::PoolConfig {} => to_binary(&try_query_config(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::PoolState {} => to_binary(&try_query_pool_state(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::State {} => to_binary(&try_query_state(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::Fees {} => to_binary(&query_fees(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::VaultValue {} => to_binary(&query_total_value(deps)?),
        QueryMsg::EstimateWithdrawFee { amount } => {
            to_binary(&estimate_withdraw_fee(deps, amount)?)


Returns the contract state.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    State {} 


Returns the total value of UST and aUST held in the contract in UST.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    VaultValue {} 


Gets the configuration for the Stablecoin Vault contract pool.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    PoolConfig {} 


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct PoolInfo {
    pub asset_infos: [AssetInfo; 2],
    pub contract_addr: Addr,
    pub liquidity_token: Addr,
    pub stable_cap: Uint128
Key Type Description
asset_infos [AssetInfo; 2] Collection of Assets in the Pool and their information. In our case UST and aUST
contract_addr Addr This contract's address
liquidity_token Addr Address of the LP token
stable_cap Uint128 Stablecoin reserve/cap amount


Gets the pool state, including the balances of the holdings.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    PoolState {} 


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct PoolResponse {
    pub asset_infos: [Asset; 2],
    pub contract_addr: Addr,
    pub liquidity_token: Addr,
    pub stable_cap: Uint128
Key Type Description
asset_infos [AssetInfo; 2] Collection of Assets in the Pool and their information. In our case UST and aUST
contract_addr Addr This contract's address
liquidity_token Addr Address of the LP token
stable_cap Uint128 Stablecoin reserve/cap amount


Gets the fees structure set by the Stablecoin Vault contract.


pub struct FeeResponse {
    pub fees: VaultFee,


Key Type Description
flash_loan_fee Fee Flashloan fee expected to be paid by non-whitelisted contracts
treasury_fee Fee Fee information related to Treasury fee distribution.
treasury_addr CanonicalAddr Address of the Community Fund Contract


Query to provide an estimate of the Stablecoin Vault withdrawal fee minus tax.

Key Type Description
amount Uint128 Deposit amount to calculate a deposit fee for


pub struct EstimateWithdrawFeeResponse {
    pub fee: Vec<Coin>,
Key Type Description
fee Vec Vector containing fee info in the form of Coins